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tv   New Day  CNN  November 7, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PST

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>> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. good morning, welcome to "new day," thursday, november 7th. 6:00 in the east. first up, president obama insists the patient is getting better. and they're working overtime to help run smoothly by the end of the month. that would be the headline except a new problem seems to have come up as kathleen sebelius returned to capitol hill for yet another grilling, this time a security risk to users. breanna keeler is following developments, live at the white house this morning. >> reporter: it was another damaging appearance on the hill for hhs secretary kathleen sebelius. as president obama headed to the lone star state, that's right, but not a coincidence that he was in texas where a republican governor has blocked the expansion of medicaid under the obama care law. >> it is wonderful to see all of you. >> reporter: texas, not exactly
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friendly territory for obama care. but that's where president obama went to criticize republican opposition to his signature health care reform program. and promised its faulty website will soon be up and running. >> we are working overtime to get this fixed. and the website is already better than it was at the beginning of october. and by the end of this month we anticipate it is going to be working the way it is supposed to. >> reporter: back in the hot seat again, embattled health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius testified before a senate committee. conceding not many people have signed up. >> our early enrollment numbers are going to be very low. >> reporter: republicans question the security of and the screening of so-called 1/2 natunavigatorsp people enroll. >> a convicted felon may be a navigator and collect sensitive information. >> that is possible.
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we have contracts with the organizations and they have taken the responsibility to screen their individual navigators and make sure that they are sufficiently trained for the job. >> but it was this. >> why not shut down and do it right? >> reporter: criticism from chairman max baucus who voted for obama care that may have stung the most. for congressional democrats facing re-election next year, obama care has become a political liability. president obama invited 15 of them to the white house wednesday afternoon to address their concerns. mean mile, the fallout from the messy rollout seeing its first casualty, the chief information officer for the agency running the troubled website has resigned. and on that meeting of democrats who came to the white house, senator mark udall of colorado said that he addressed concerns about security as we heard from republicans but also he urged president obama to delay that requirement that americans
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purchase health insurance. kate, as you can imagine, it is a huge problem for president obama when he doesn't even have the support of his own democrats. >> very good point, brianna, thank you so much. let's talk more about the fallout from the elections this week. new jersey governor chris christie in the middle of a victory lap following his overwhelming re-election win in new jersey. with that, big questions looking ahead to 2016. where does christie stand within his own party? deborah feyerick is here with that. >> it is a big question. is he known for being bold, blunt, speaking his mind, pulling no punches. some people are put off by that but he has made it his trademark and he thinks it is resonating not only with new jersey but with the nation. of all the races in all the states, there was arguably only one that had political pundits pondering the viability of one possible presidential nominee. >> chris christie. >> chris christie. >> chris christie.
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>> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie, a leading 2016 republican contender despite his repeated denials that he's even in the race. >> everybody's talking about you running for president. the question is how do you keep that from becoming a major distraction over the next couple of years? >> yes, i don't get distracted very easily. it takes a lot to distract me. and i think the way it won't be a distraction is i simply won't let it. >> reporter: coming off his landslide victory in which he won a majority of votes among women, latinos, republicans, conservatives and tea party voters, the now seasoned governor sound like a man looking to the future. >> i think every day you do a job like this one makes you a better executive, whether that would apply to me being a better president or not, i just don't know. >> sir. good luck. >> reporter: christie's broad appeal earned him praise from outgoing new york city mayor michael bloomberg, an independent. >> the lesson for this whole country, whether christie or
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mcauliffe, both were centralists, they could work across the aisle. >> reporter: not everyone is ready to embrace him as the face of the gop. tea party favorite rand paul seemed to take a swipe at him on spending federal dollars for the superstorm sandy ads. >> people running for office put their mug all over these ads while in the middle of a political campaign. that's offensive. >> reporter: as if to get ahead of other possible republican competitors like senator marco rubio, christie made sure to emphasize his victory in rubio's crucial voting bloc. >> we won the latino vote last night. find another republican in america who has won the latino vote recently. >> reporter: rubio made clear new jersey is not the nation. >> we need to understand that some of these races don't apply to future races. every race is different. it has a different set of factors. >> reporter: a little bit of sniping there. chris christie heads up the governors association, his job
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is to get other republican governors elected. a lot can happen between now and the time he throws his hat into the ring. right now he plans to simply ignore it, push him hard and he'll ignore you. that's his strategy when it comes to running for the presidency. >> sticking true to his brand and style so far. >> indeed he is. >> answer the question or just tell you to shut up. >> that's exactly right. >> on the way up he is bold and blunt but then when we decide to tear him down he'll be brash and arrogant. >> wait for that tipping point. >> he's used to it. >> thank you. >> of course. the cia reportedly has been paying at&t rather $10 million a year for access to its phone records database and "the new york times" says the company has participated voluntarily without any sort of court order. this data base includes details of americans' overseas calls but officials insist the details who have made the calls from this country is not available to them. more questions being raised in the mysterious death of a
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florida teenager, kendrick johnson. new video obtained by cnn shows johnson in the gym where he died. another shows a mysterious person walking towards the mats where johnson's body was later found. johnson's family believes the 17-year-old was murdered and someone tried to cover up the evidence. the police insist, however, it was an accident. a shooting the aa detroit barber shop kills three and wounds seven others. the gunfire broke out wednesday on the east side of the city on a barber shop that is said to be known for illegal gambling. police are looking for suspects and two cars they say were following one another and shooting at one another before aiming inside the barber shop. pressure mounting this morning for toronto's embattled mayor who admitted smoking crack while in a drunken stupor. the pressure is for him to resign. his long-time policy adviser has quit. ford was met by protests on his first day back on the job after his shocking admission. still, he refuses to step aside.
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one of the worst kept secrets arguably is confirmed. two floating barges in san francisco bay and in portland, mann main, do indeed belong to google. the company says they'll be used as interactive spaces to teach people about technology. that likely includes space to show case the top google innovations things like google glass, et cetera. we were coming up with all sorts of thoughts. >> i like ours better. >> ours were better, i think we were. we knew it was some sort of innovation. nothing nefarious. >> there's still a reason that they're on a barge that we don't know will come out. >> rent in san francisco bay incredibly high. >> keep the mystery going. >> there's more, there's more. there's also more for you. let's get to karen mcginnis in for indra petersons. >> as we take a look at what's happening in the northeast, a fairly quiet week except for the fact it was cool. now, let the games begin with the airport delays.
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laguardia and philadelphia, between 45 minutes and an hour. that's because of this, the frontal system trying to make its way towards the east. we've been talking about this for the last several days as it produced snowfall across the midwest and into the northern tier. but now it marches towards the east. as a result we'll start to see that visibility get greatly reduced. and not just that, but gusty winds behind this are going to be problematic, especially for this afternoon. we might see wind gusts in places from washington, d.c. to new york to boston up towards maine that cowl be on the order of 25, possibly 35 mile per hour gusts expected there. well, the water vapor imagery shows where that frontal system is and this is going to be a fairly swift-moving system. so not a lot of rain associated with it. right along that area of low pressure we'll see the heavier amounts. this moves in, moves out fairly quickly. behind it, that's where you see the sticker shock with the much colder air moving in. temperatures running 5 to 10 degrees below where they should
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be. after this, chris and kate, looks like a large portion of real estate across the u.s. will be quiet except for.pacific northwest. back to you. >> thanks so much, karen. coming up next on "new day," teammates are coming to the defense of a miami dolphins player accused of bullying. they say jonathan martin and richie incognito were friends and this is overblown. twitter sales go on sale for today. the next thing for your 401(k) or overblown as many things written on the site itself. we'll take you through it.
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welcome back to "new day." it's money time. your money. the price of a slice of twitter is now known, $26 a share. at least that's what the really rich who got in early will pay. you'll probably have to pay a little bit more. the question is should you buy it at all. alison kosik is here. great to have you. i put that question to you. what do we make of it. >> if you're an average investor, stocks like this when they're hyped so much by yours truly, the media, they can be volatile. i'd say this probably isn't for you if you're the average investor. this is an exclusive party. only 20% of the shares that are out there are actually out there for normal investors. the rest as you said were made available to these exclusive
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investors, these big underwriters last night at $26. one thing to remember is what happened with facebook. facebook was the biggest hyped ipo ever and it quickly became one of the biggest flops. the share came out at $38 a share. three months later, you got it at half the price. today it's recovered, it's at $49. it's been a rocky road. it's a lesson for how we should approach what's happening with twitter. >> which is what? >> which is? >> when we look at it, how much of it is the market, how much is what we see in the actual company beyond the hype. >> something to remember, twitter has yet to turn a profit. this company started in 2006. it's yet to turn a profit. a lot of this is really hype, and you look at the stock, if you bought the stock, you have to really believe in its business model and twitter relies on ad revenue.
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it's doing okay with it's ad revenue but the problem is twitter is also in the middle of making acquisitions to build its brand. so more money is coming out than coming in. so it's not making that profit. now, once again if you believe in the business model, if you believe in the trajectory of the business, then it could be a good investment but if you're the average investor, it's risky as all these investments are. >> all indications are this is going to go smoothly today in comparison to how the facebook launch was. >> that's what the hope is. the stock is making its debut this morning at the new york stock exchange. everybody compares it to what happened with facebook. and facebook was a big flop, in part because the nasdaq had huge technical issues. that's where facebook is listed. and even the nasdaq hasn't recovered from that reputation, sort of black eye. the nyse has been dotting its is, crossing its ts. it ran a dry run a couple of weekends ago for how it's going
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to look when twitter goes public. they're laying out not the red carpet but putting out the blue carpet today. they're putting out all the stops and have been trying to buttoning it up to make sure what happened to facebook doesn't happen to twitter at the new york stock exchange. >> the best three words in our business, we will see. >> in fact, it is we will see, it really is. >> at this one it applies. >> if they can make money out of snark and hostility, that will shoot through the roof. >> what's your opinion. >> twitter is a scary place. >> people hide behind that handle and they say whatever they want. >> hopefully they'll go there because there's enough wattage and amplitude and opinion and they get to read their ads and make their money. >> thank you. >> you got it. let's turn now to the bullying scandal in the nfl. miami dolphins teammates are putting up a new public edeens of richie incognito. this as questions swirl over what the coaches knew about all of this. cnn's john zarrella is at the
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stadium in miami this morning. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning, kate. this story gets stranger by the day. you would have thought with everything we heard and what we know that richie incognito and jonathan martin were arch enemies. other dolphin players say oh, no, no, no, they were tight. dolphins head coach, joe philbin, surrounded by more media than any team usually gets defended his team. >> i have full faith and confidence we will stick together as a team. >> reporter: philbin refused to address whether he or any of his coaches instructed richie incognito to toughen up another player, jonathan martin. when asked did martin need toughening up. >> jonathan martin came in here and worked hard every single day. >> reporter: the storm swirling around the dolphins is getting worst by the day. it began over allegations offensive lineman incognito bullied martin, another lineman, so badly he left the team. now a report that at least one
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coach told incognito the anointed leader of the offensive line, to get martin toughened up. while philbin had little to say, his players had plenty and it was starting. incognito wasn't a bully, they said, but a best friend, like big brother/little brother. >> if you would ask jonathan martin a week before who his best friend on the team was he would have said richie incognito. the first guy to stand up for jonathan when anything went down on the field, any kind of tussle, richie was the first guy there. >> if there was a problem, jonathan martin didn't show it. i've been here long enough to know that off the field that those two guys were thick as thieves. and that they went out together, hung out together. they did a lot of stuff together. if he had a problem with the way that the guy was treating him, he had a funny way of showing it. >> they were good friends, best friends. >> reporter: the players all insisted they had no idea martin was about to leave the team and no idea there was any problem between incognito and martin.
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>> the people that can hurt you the most are the people that are closest to you. when you mistake one for the other, that's when you find problems. >> reporter: now, espn has been reporting that martin was briefly hospitalized after he walked out on dolphins camp over a week ago now. but it is believed that was for emotional distress, believed that he is back now in california with his family. kate? >> all right, john, thanks so much for that update from miami. i'm still torn on this. i don't know. not that i should know. >> interesting dynamic going on here. one, what are we seeing? football teams are tight. it is a fraternity. they are going to come together, they have to for the season's sake. >> we haven't heard from jonathan martin. because it was bullying, it's such a hot button, we attack bullying wherever we see it. we have no know why martin left the team from him, from his family and then you'll start to piece it together. this is one of those where you listen but take half a step back until we get more.
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>> good point. coming up next on "new day," kathleen sebelius says the obama care website has hundreds of bugs that need to be fixed and now the top tech guy who worked on the website is out. why? will more dominos fall now. an a story that demands answers. this 22-year-old turns himself in to police on a minor pot charge. but then he winds up dead in his jail cell. his family claims guards didn't respond to his pleas for help. we'll give you the facts, coming up. honestly, i'm a little old fashioned. i love chalk and erasers. but change is coming. all my students have the brand new surface. it has the new windows and comes with office, has a real keyboard, so they can do real work. they can use bing smartsearch to find anything in the world... or last night's assignment. and the battery lasts and lasts, so after school they can skype, play games,
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welcome back to "new day." let's give you a check of the headlines this hour. we're now hearing the frightened 11 calls from people forced to hide during the shooting at garden state plaza mall. take a listen. >> 911. where's your emergency? >> the garden state plaza. >> yes. >> yes, i'm at the garden state plaza mall where there's been a shooting. >> yes. >> and i'm in, i work here, i'm inside the store, in the office with a girl by myself. i'm scared and i want to get out the mall. >> eventually everyone made it out of the mall safely, however, the shooter, 20-year-old richard shoop was found dead inside the mall with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. amid the controversy over
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the nsa spying program, the white house considering separate leaders for the spy agency and cybercommand. retiring general keith alexander leads both groups now. this move would limit a concentration of power to one person. also being discussed should a civilian head the nsa? less than a decade ago, video rental giant blockbuster had 9,000 retail locations in the u.s. now they have just 300. all of those are closing come january. its dvd by mail operation also shutting down. blockbuster which is owned by dish network will live on a streaming service alone. two people who served prison time with martin macneill say the utah doctor admitted to killing his wife. one said macneill told him he gave his wife pain killers and held her head under water. there's also drama when a television report of the trial started playing on a prosecution laptop. defense attorneys asked for a mistrial but the judge denied
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that. a would-be burglar busted after he tried to shimmy down the chimney of a florida house. the guy apparently wasn't slender enough. he got stuck in the tight space. his foot left dangling in the fireplace. took firefighters about half an hour to get them out. they then handed him over to the cops. >> if santa can do it, why can't he? >> you've got to measure. >> that's why there's only one when it comes to santa. >> right. >> that's the mess ath in that story. something going on is raising a lot of questions. a washington state man turns himself in. he needed to serve time for a minor drug offense but somehow he winds up dead in the jail. his family says his pleas for help were ignored by guards and they say they have a smoking gun. "early start" anchor zoraida sambolin johns us with the story. this is one where the family wants answers. >> you're watching that video. tragic story, the 22-year-old suffered from severe food
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allergies, when he died at a washington county jail over a year ago. his mother's filed a $10 million wrongful death claim against the county with distressing video released as part of that legal action. recently released surveillance video shows the shocking moments 22-year-old michael saffioti pleaded with girls for help as he suffocated from a fatal allergic reaction. >> we discovered he had a dairy allergy when he was very young. i know that he asked for help and i just -- it was awful to see him. >> reporter: michael's mother, still fighting for answers a year after her son voluntarily turned himself in to a county jail on a minor pot possession charge. the next morning, he died from an acute asthma attack after eating a bowl of oatmeal. >> we know michael had a belief that the oatmeal was safe to eat and that he had been told that it did not contain milk.
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>> reporter: around 5:45 a.m. you see him and fellow inmates line up for breakfast. he's seen here, holding his tray and questioning the contents of his food with the guard. minutes later, he apparently continued to discuss his food while sitting with inmates. >> i knew what he was thinking, you know, should i eat this? should i not. >> reporter: ultimately he took a bite. moments later, he was back at the guard desk using his inhaler. according to a damages claim, saffiotti said he needed to see a nurse. a guard told him to get into lockdown in his cell while he called the nurse's station. for the next half hour, you can see inmates checking in on him as he tries to get the guard's attention, jumping up and down. >> michael's needs were completely ignored. that his medical distress was completely ignored. >> reporter: 45 minutes later, a guard doing a routine check found saffiotti unconscious.
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they performed cpr. unresponsive, they rushed him to the hospital. two hours after that first bite of oatmeal, he was pronounced dead. the national institute of corrections found that the jail's health department is seriously understaffed and the crowding poses significant health and personal safety risks. >> i look at the video, it's very shocking. it's hard to watch. but i'm determined to watch it because i really want to see where things went wrong. >> all right. the cruel irony here, four months after saffiotti's death recreational pot was legalized in washington state. they told cnn they will not comment on pending litigation. >> that's where the problem comes in. this is horrible. the whole story is horrible. the video is tough for the family to watch, all of us to watch, it's not easy. you make the right point. you have to watch it because the
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crime here is of not coming forward and discussing the situation. that's what fuels all the doubt about officials. >> and anger. >> they're not coming forward pending litigation is a convenient situation to hide from a discussion they need to have. >> when you see the video, then it really just breaks your heart, because this young man really tried to save his own life and his family says, look, he was vigilant about what he ate because he knew he had a severe allergy. >> that's obvious. >> the fact that recreational use of marijuana was legalized -- >> terrible. >> could have been anything. doesn't matter what he was in there for. they have a responsibility to tell the truth and come out and come forward. we don't see it enough. there's not enough accountability. >> thanks, zoraida. >> you're welcome. coming up on "new day," this gives new meaning to a roll back. walmart deeply discounting all sorts of items on its website. that's good. they now say it was a mistake. that's not good. some customers are crying foul. we'll tell you why and guess at what's going to happen. [ male announcer ] this is pam.
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her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve.
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♪ waiting on a sunny day ♪ gonna chase the clouds away if the boss says it, it must be true. of course we are all waiting on a sunny day. let's get to karen mcginnis in for indra petersons with the forecast. what do you see out there. >> we have an approaching frontal still. this will move in and out fairly quickly. that's the good news. we're starting to see some of the delays as a frontal system edges across the region and in the forecast going into late in the day on friday. behind it we could see lake-effect snow. it's going to be very isolated
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area. but already for the new york city area, laguardia, we're expecting hour delays there, ground delays, also in philadelphia as the approaching frontal system will be a rainmaker but not just rain. it's going to be fairly blustery behind this weather system as well. right now, the bulk of that precipitation from syracuse towards punxsutawney, pittsburgh, cincinnati and cleveland. gradually making its way into washington, d.c., into new york, also into boston. as i mentioned the winds behind this, expected to be out of the west and the northwest blowing in, as we go into the afternoon, up to 35 miles per hour. generally speaking, as i mentioned, this is going to be a weathermaker first but then a windmaker and much colder temperatures going into the end of the workweek. guess what? on monday, we'll see some of the coldest air of the season. back to you guys. all right, karen, thanks so much. time now for our political gut check of the morning.
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more worries from senate democrats who see the botched obama care rollout hurting their chances, possibly, for re-election and doubts remain as secretary sebelius reports a couple hundred fixes still need to be made. cnn's chief national correspondent john king is here from miami this morning to break it down. a different day, a different city for you, john. good morning. >> good morning, kate. >> so let's talk about lessons learned after this election. especially when you talk about the role of obama care in these races. the democratic senators at the white house, it sounds like they basically told the president, help us lessen the blow of obama care when we're facing re-election. what are you hearing? >> i talked to one of the senators at this meeting yesterday. this is what i was told. we have this great sense of urgency. they say take some time, give us until the spring. those two are at odds right now. the republicans are enjoying this, kate. the republicans have been demanding delaying, changing, voiding obama care. right now the republicans can
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sit in their comfy chairs and watch the democrats. a lot of democrats dispute this. these democrats up next year, they see health care as a big motivator for the republican base. and that virginia governor's race. what they are saying, mr. president, we need to be able to go home and show we have done something about this. you need to pass a law that forces insurance companies to reissue the policies that have been canceled. extend the lineup for signing up, extend the deadline for the penalty if you don't sign up for insurance. they raise questions about the website and personal security, privacy of information. what they were told at the white house is, look, this election is over. you have another year until you have to face election. give us several months. those democrats didn't like that answer, kate. remember, we have to go through the budget/debt ceiling debate in another month. democrats are demanding changes to obama care. >> that will be interesting to see play out, that's for sure. >> to say the least.
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>> to say the least. let's talk about the other election everyone has been looking at, the re-election of chris christie, the day after the election, not much time, you're seeing veiled and not so veiled swipes being taken at him by fellow republicans, marco rubio, rand paul. if christie's brand is so popular, why are they taking him on? >> in part because we're asking them the questions. let's be honest. >> good point. true. >> we create some of the conflict by going to the other potential candidates and say what do you think of the new -- chris christie comes out of this with a premiere brand in republican politics. the 50iowa caucuses would be in 2016. it is part of the process. what are you hearing? marco rubio from this state of florida, he says, yes, sure, he did great in new jersey but new jersey is new jersey. new jersey is not america, maybe. is that a fact? yes, sure. there are fewer evangelical
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christians in new jersey than chris christie would have to appeal to in iowa. gun rights might be a bigger issue in new hampshire than the state of new jersey. they're taking shots at the guy -- should we call him the front-runner? he's the guy getting the most attention right now. boy, oh, boy is it early. i'm in miami. i was here fon anr an event las night. marco rubio, they thought he was the star on the rise. they think he's fizzled. what a lot of them told me, he should worry about himself right now. >> when you fizzle, you can always come back. there's a lot of time for that to happen for marco rubio. >> there's a lot of time for all of these guys. the permanent campaign, this is one of the reasons most people around the country get disgusted, sometimes a little stronger word about washington. we just had an election. could we spend a couple weeks, a month or two doing things before we worry about the next election? it's an inevitable part of the
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permanent campaign, a guess. >> permanent campaign. either music to your ears or a nightmare. >> job program for me. >> jobs program. see, we're creating jobs. see you, john. when we come back, you logon to great, finding incredible prices. you buy, of course. now the store is saying, no, we won't honor those amazing prices. why? it was a mistake. customers aren't happy. and just a day at the races or is it? how many horses does this racer have under his hood? it's our must-see moment today, coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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welcome back to "new day," let's go "around the world" starting in israel where there is new evidence someone may have poisoned the late palestinian leader yasser arafat. matthew chance has more. >> reporter: unexpectedly high levels of radioactive polonium, moderately supporting the theory that yasser arafat died as a result of poisoning, that's the conclusion of a swiss forensic report into the death of the late palestinian leader who's buried in this tomb in ramallah. the results reveal what she calls a real crime, a political assassination. palestinian s are pointing the finger of blame at israel.
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israeli officials are denying any involvement in his death. the philippines being slammed by a massive super typhoon. andrew stevens has more in manila. >> reporter: the philippines is no stranger to extreme weather but even by those standards, this is being labeled as one of the most dangerous storms ever to hit the country. in fact it's the most powerful system on the planet so far this year. forecasters are expecting winds gusting up to 300 kilometers an hour. that's 200 miles an hour. police and the emergency crews are on the highest possible alert. as a central part of this country battens down and waits. memories of two previous late-season storm which is claimed the lives of hundreds of people are still fresh. kate? >> thank you so much. and to space, the olympic torch is now in space. part of the pomp leading up to the olympics in sochi, russia. >> reporter: the soyuz rocket decorated with snowflakes and
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the olympic logo blasted into the sky from neighboring kazakhstan. it has three astronauts, including the olympic torch. this olympic torch will be carried by hand during a space walk on saturday. for pretty obvious safety reasons, the olympic flame remains back here on earth. back to you, kate. >> phil, thank you so much. let's talk walmart. it's known for its low prices, not quite like this. tvs for 8 bucks? a $200 kayak for $11? the company says it was a technical glitch that led to some amazing deals on its website and it is not the first time a website has accidentally cut costs. we have consumers spending analyst to talk about this. i would have thought i had died and gone to heaven if i found some of those. let's take a look at the deals we saw. amazing. i think we have a full screen. a treadmill for $33. >> right.
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>> this has got to be a nightmare for walmart. >> a nightmare is an understatement. what they were trying to do here is really capture that customer. they're losing market share which basically means customer attrition to stores like target, to amazon and what they would try to do is roll out these deals on november 1st saying we have these holiday deals, we're going to provide them for everyone and the next couple days decided to proceed to put those deals out there. but this glitch happened and you saw almost a 90% discount on some of these items but instead of honoring those deals, they said, essentially, our bad, we're going to give you a $10 gift certificate and not honor those. >> they didn't give me the $33 treadmill. >> no, they didn't. >> just a gift card instead. >> probably don't have to. if it's a real glitch. if there was a valid offer, the only way they gut is because of supply. did they make up the right way? >> if you think the $10 is the right way. here's the problem.
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walmart has, again, had some serious issues with customers over the past couple years. they are struggling to maintain sales. they finally got their traction. i think from a pr standpoint they might have gone the road of banksy and had a one-off and let the customers have these deals. instead, they offered the $10 gift certificate. >> how many customers are we talking. >> it was a frenzy. we're assuming a couple hundred. >> wait, wait, wait. isn't the customer right? if i see a deal online, does the company not have to -- >> the law against complicated. it has to be a bona fide offer, subject to the supply. you can't have correctible errors. you learn about this in law school. the question though becomes, you know, not about the law but about what's right. you know? 10 bucks sounds a little on the thin side. >> exactly. again, walmart is really trying to cater to their customer. it's the holiday. they rolled out these deals onlane to make sure those customers came in and shopped at
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their store and stayed at their store. if they wanted to maintain that customer they would have honored those deals and said, okay, we made a mistake, exactly what you were saying, michaela, the customer is always right, we'll give you that deal. >> they have a choice, correct? we saw a similar type of glitch happen with airfares a short time ago. they honored those deals. why not? >> they can afford to. it's walmart. >> exactly. exactly. at the same time, this again, we're talking about holidays. they're trying to get the product out the door. the last thing these retailers want to see are stocked shelves come december 22nd. you would think this is one way to make sure the customer is happy and get enough product out. >> i was going to say, it feels, echos, didn't do their due diligence, obama care much? i'm thinking -- just saying, a little tech savvy in advance. it seems like they could have -- >> we're talking about gigantic companies. >> kathleen sebelius says it will be fixed very soon. a lot of people are going in to
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get the offers, too. >> we are jumping here. >> there's an interesting comparison. i think you and i both saw that, too. great to have you here. time now for must-see moment. i love the music. spectators in the netherlands getting quite a surprise when this came barreling toward the finish line. that's a rabbit, a silly wabbit. it stole the show. it jumped into the race and showed up the horses. now to be fair he joined in the last tenth of a mile or so. he did cross the finish line first. i think surprised everybody. i don't think anybody bet on the rabbit. >> the horses are forced to trot. i heard that there was a big backlash. >> there's a protest going on. i tell you, in the horse's defense, they're pulling people. >> the horse apologist. >> and the rabbit is solo. >> free. >> i think we pled that one out. >> we did. >> that was good. that rabbit was really happy it wasn't a dog race.
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>> it wouldn't have ended quite as well. coming up on "new day," if you always wanted to own a piece of twitter, today is your chance. the site is going public. we any the price. we'll tell it to you. the big question is, is this worth it? is this the right move for your 401(k) or #holdoff. we're hearing the frightening calls from inside a new jersey shopping mall where a man opened fire. we'll bring that to you, next. wow. it's "wow," you know? wow. wow. that feels "wow." [ male announcer ] oral-b deep sweep, featuring 3 cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles that reach deep between teeth to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. it seems like it gets more to areas of your mouth that you can't reach with a regular toothbrush. [ male announcer ] guaranteed "wow" with deep sweep from oral-b. #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand worldwide. of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar,
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but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing
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or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded?
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♪ or their new product tanked? ♪ or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. the mayor of toronto said he smoked crack but it will never happen again. in other words, he's discovered meth. he's moved on. >> but here's the deal.
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he says i was so drunk -- >> yes, that's right. that's right. >> -- i didn't know i was smoking crack. pretty good, isn't it? in legal circles, that's known as the lindsay lohan defense. >> effective. effective in the courtroom. >> usually you don't want to joke about addiction but this guy is breaking some rules. breaking some rules. >> yes, he is. >> you're going to remember this, everybody saw it. it was one of the most gruesome injuries ever seen on a basketball court and now it is one of the most amazing comebacks ever. less than eight months later, louisville star kevin ware back in action. let's bring in andy scholes for this morning's bleacher report. we heard sanjay tell us i know it looks bad but we'll be back. kate and i got to meet the guy and he said i'll be back next season. and he is. >> he was just cleared to start practicing on sunday. he didn't expect to play last
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night but rick pitino surprised everyone when he called ware's number. this is that picture we all remember last march, ware laying on the court after suffering that gruesome broken leg during the ncaa tournament. hey, last night ware showed he's all haeld up. he came into the game halfway through the second half. knocked down the first shot he took, three-pointer. definitely awesome thing to see. >> ucla doctors have told espn's "outside the lines" that tony dorsett has been diagnosed with cte, which is a brain disease caused by head trauma. dorsett seeked out testing because of memory loss, depression and thoughts of suicide. his condition has gotten so bad he often forgets where he's going while he's flying and drive. dorsett he doesn't know how many concussions he suffered while playing but they were numerous. trepiding on is this crazy video from the blackhawks/jets
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game. he gets checked through the glass. a fan steals his helmet and puts it on. now, that wasn't the worst part. this lady next to him puts her -- pours her beer on top of party's head. now, guys, this is exactly why i do not play hockey in the nhl. moments like that. >> i guess we can call them passionate fans. i'm not sure. >> they're hard core in chicago. >> i guess so. thanks, andy. i will not pour my beer on your head. >> thank you very much for that. >> we're at the top of the hour which means it's time for the top news. >> as i move my cough ifty. somebody's shooting up the garden state plaza right now. i'm in the bathroom. >> all right, stay on the phone with me, sweetheart. >> new this hour, the new jersey mall shooting from the inside. 911 calls just released tell the story of the shooter's movements
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in the frantic hours. he has now left the police force and is joining us live. bad taste, the photos everyone is talking about. the two young women dressed as the twin towers on fire smiling. they even won a prize for it. your "new day" starts right now. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome back to "new day," everyone. thursday, november 7th, 7:00 in the east. in defense of obama care, the president says they're working overtime to get that website operating normally. he'strying to calm the nerves of fellow democrats who fear the rocky rollout could hurt them at the polls. meantime, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius continuing to face pointed questions from lawmakers and also rejecting at the same time calls to delay the health care law rollout.
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johning us now to talk more about this, maggie haberman, senior politico reporter. thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to talk about democrats in just a second. you have -- can we call it it the beginning of fallout in personnel terms? the i.t. guy, the head tech guy in charge of the website. they say he's retiring. but what are you hearing behind the scenes? is this the first domino to drop? >> i don't think you're actually going to see too many. their hope is they can contain this. they don't want to have a bunch of heads rolling. that becomes a terrible story going forward. i would argue you do not need to wait this long to increase the drip, drip, drip that's been happening around this. they are mostly concerned with keeping kathleen sebelius. i don't expect to see her leaving. the longer this takes, the longer this goes you are hearing more grumbling behind the scenes of not the intrinsic problems the government has and the
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attractability of government in doing a project like this but specific people are to blame. >> the longer it takes and the longer it goes, more of a problem it becomes for democrats outside of the administration. you have the meeting, more than a dozen senate democrats at white house yesterday. the sense is they basically said help me help you. >> correct. >> help me win re-election because obama care will be a problem. how potent do you think obama care will be in the next election cycle? >> it's a little too early to say, right? if we deal with the fix of this in the next three to four months, i think obama care for voters is very big. they've been hearing about this for a long time now, essentially the entire first obama term. the promise for the white house is the perception that the president was not up front about this and people are going to lose their plans or some people are at risk of losing their plans. they need to get control of that. >> despite all the problems, technical and maybe pr they have, do you think the longest lasting problem is the if you like it, you can keep it line?
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>> if there are a bunch of stories amassed in the media and republicans against the plan over the course of the next six to eight months and that is more that breaks through than the idea of this is a person who was helped, who didn't have health care before and had cancer and was able to get it, that is a problem. i think as it stands now, i have to think that the bigger issue going into the midterms is the government shutdown. i think that hurt republicans on net more than it hurt democrats. >> republicans like cuccinelli in virginia, they say that actually hurt cuccinelli, even his own aide said that hurt him in that election. then the focus became, again, obama care and that started to help him towards the end. republicans have big issues going toward the midterms. who knows if we'll have another government shutdown. >> the goal is for everybody to avoid a government shutdown. republicans are afraid they will end up getting blamed. i think there's very little evidence to suggest that obama care is what was the closer in the final days in virginia. this is what cuccinelli's folks
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are saying. they did not have money and were not doing polling at the end. what you heard from the mcauliffe people is that their polling was consistent. it showed a mild bump, which made sense and then you have republicans go back towards cuccinelli in the final week. it sounds like it was a structural win for him. >> and shocker, both sides will have their own interpretation. >> correct. >> what was the end result, driving factor in an election. >> right. starting today you can own a piece of that service that allows you to post updates called twitter. the rich and well connected have picked up their shares. $26 apiece. that's the ipo price. but not the price the rest of the market will get it at. it's about 14 billion market cap right now. what does it mean for the rest of us? alison kosik is here with us. all these big questions, what's it worth, was it priced right? comes second to the basic idea of who should buy the stock. >> when you think about that, you think of when you buy any kind of product, is it worth it when you ask that question.
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you have to look at the business model with twitter and believe in their business. if you talk to analysts they'll tell you, at this point it looks like this is a company that's growing, that's ascending. this is a company that really is solely relying on ad dollars. if you are on twitter, you know what i'm talking about. that you click on the sponsored tweets. the question is where is the follow-through, the carry-through on that? it's questionable how far this can take twitter. as far as what twitter is doing today, they're making a public debut, selling shares. we'd like to compare what's happening with twitter to what happened with facebook, which many would call a flop. something that twitter is doing differently is they're being more conservative with the number of shares. the standing of the company was different. facebook was more mature when it came out. twitter is a lot smaller, so it's still got room to grow. that actually could work in twitter's favor. >> it plays both ways. it's younger, not as proven, more upside potential, more
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magic. there's always a gamble in these stocks. tech stocks, online things don't work off book value the way traditional companies do. one of the indulgences will be how much money will they make today? the people in power. what do we know? what are some of the big numbers. >> it could be as much as 40 billion. the numbers are all over the map. they're going as high as 80. you look at what money twitter is bringing in, right now, twitter isn't making any money. it's not turning a profit. it is bringing in money. twitter made $500 million over the past 12 months. its monthly users have gone up 39% from last year. yes, you are seeing growth there. another plus for twitter it's captured the mobile market. a lot of people access twitter on their mobile device. >> which is the rub on facebook. >> exactly. they wanted to monetize on mobile. they even acquired a company that exclusively tracks users
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movements from their mobile device to their desktop. it's seamless and not many ad companies do that. that's a plus for twitter. but one thing people want to see is they want to see twitter turn a profit. it's projected to turn a profit next year. what you're seeing them do, they're building business, hiring people, acquiring companies once people start buying shares in this company, they'll want to see the company start turning a profit. >> only in the new economy do companies become huge before they turn a profit. >> the timing, it's a good point you make, the timing couldn't be more perfect. when facebook went public the market was in a very different place than where the mark set now. the s&p 500 is up over 20% this year, a very different landscape than last year. >> alison kosik, thank you very much for the intrigue. we'll see what happens. we'll know today. to the chilling calls from inside the mall. when gunfire erupted inside garden state plaza monday, thousands ran for their lives. some couldn't get out. they were forced to hide anywhere they could stay safe or
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they thought they would be safe. we're hearing from they said to dispatchers in the moments after the shots were fired. deborah feyerick is here with more on that. >> as the mall went into lockdown, nobody knew what the gunman's intention was, how many rounds he had on him, how much damage he planned to cause. they did what anybody would do, they hid and they waited. >> reporter: the sound of sheer panic as a shooter, 20-year-old richard shoop fired inside the shopping center on monday night with hundreds of people trapped inside. >> somebody is shooting up garden state plaza right now. >> there's somebody shooting? >> somebody is shooting up garden state plaza right now. i'm in the bathroom. >> stay on the phone with me, sweetheart. >> reporter: these are newly released 911 tapes, callers cowering in hiding spots throughout the mall, fearing to for their lives.
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>> how many people are in the bathroom. >> three. >> are they in your store. >> yes. >> i'm inside the store in the office. i'm scared and i want to get out the mail. >> reporter: some callers petrified they whispered to the 911 operator. >> i don't hear sirens. >> reporter: one trapped witness desperate to get out told the operator she was worried about being confronted by police. >> i'm scared and i want to get out the mall. the cops -- i can see the cops from the door. is there any way i could reach one of them and they can come in and get me? >> i was worried about getting shot. it was dark. as soon as i get to right here, they all line up in front of the glass pointing the guns like put your hands up, please put your hands up. i got extremely scared like i'm going down. it's a wrap for me. i'm going to die now. >> reporter: thankfully no witnesses were shot or injured in the chaos. but the shooter was found dead,
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outside the mall with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> reporter: now, the gunman's family said about the shooting that shoop intended to harm nobody else but himself. his brother called the tragedy an act of self-indulgence by richard because he took his own life so publicly. still for the people in that mall, can you imagine thinking to yourself, it's a wrap, i'm going to die now. >> you don't know. you don't know his motives. you did not know what was going through his mind. >> that's the fear and the terror and that's what panics and cripples people in these situations. they all did what they were supposed to do, they hid. >> thanks so much. great to see you. michaela is here with more of today's other top stories. making news at this hour, the cia reportedly getting help from at&t on counterterror investigations. "the new york times" reports the agency is paying $10 million a year to the telecommunications giant for access to its phone data base. this arrangement said to be voluntarily and officials insist they're not actively looking for
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americans' calls. the nfl has hired a prominent criminal attorney to investigate bullying allegations against miami dolphins suspended lineman richie incognito. fellow lineman jonathan martin abruptly left the team after claims of harassment. many dolphin players are voicing support now for incognito saying there didn't appear to be problems between him and martin. coach joe philbin refused to comment on a report that miami coaches told incognito to toughen martin up. new surveillance video raises more questions about how a georgia high school student wound up dead rolled up in a gym mat. cnn has been investigating this story from the beginning. in the video, kendrick johnson is seen in the gym where he later died. another more blurry angle later shows the lights out but a mysterious person can be seen walking towards the mats where johnson's body was ultimately found. johnson's family believes he was murdered and there was a cover-up. oklahoma prosecutors upgrading charges in the suspect
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in the shooting death of a baseball player. michael jones will be charge as an adult with felony first degree murder, the same as the other two suspects. christopher lane was jogging back in august when he was gunned down. lane played baseball at east central university and was entering his senior year. and talk about embarrassing. marty walsh won the boston mayor's race wednesday. that's not embarrassing at all. congratulations to him. vice president joe biden called to offer his congratulations. problem was he called the wrong marty walsh. the vice president accidentally called a former aide to senator ted kennedy who has the very same name. apparently the mayor of minneapolis and debbie wasserman schultz made the same mistake. the wrong marty, feeling popular, i'm sure, says he gave the vp the number for the right guy so the congratulations could be made. >> nice he had the right number for the right marty. >> why are you calling me? i'm the mayor? really? >> i had no idea i was on the
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ballot. >> for two seconds he had power. >> that's right. or the illusion of power. >> exactly. >> let's get over to karen mcginnis, in for indra petersons with the forecast. good morning to everyone. yes, it looks like wet weather expected across the northeast. we've been tracking this storm system as it moved across the great lakes and the midwest, produced some snowfall there. and lower temperatures which it will do the same thing across the i-95 corridor. with temperatures will be dropping, probably throughout the day. you start the morning out fairly mild. but once the frontal system moves through and the rain comes in you start to see the winds blow in from the west and northwest behind it. occasional gusts up to around 30, 35 miles per hour. most of that precipitation is on the light side. we'll expect on the order of maybe a quarter inch to half an inch, some locally heavier amounts. right now the bulk of that precipitation is into the eastern great lakes. and what about delays? well, at laguardia also into philadelphia, 45 minutes to an hour. so enjoy that while you're sitting at the airport, some
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delays expected there. as reduced visibility, also the wind and the rain interrupting air traffic there. and for atlanta, wouldn't be surprised if we saw delays later on. i've come back in about 30 minutes. weil tell you about the super typhoon that is going to lash the philippines. back to yougies. >> karen, thanks so much for the update. coming up next on "new day," the massachusetts state trooper who leaked arrest photos of the marathon bombing suspect is now retiring. was he forced out? why is he leaving? he's here live to talk about it. >> all right. what to do, what to do? one of the world's richest men, check, one of the most important financial companies named off you. mayor of the big apple. check. what else can mr. bloomberg do? what's going to follow? he'll tell us. we'll tell you. straight ahead. [thinking] is i? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired.
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welcome back to "new day." many call shawn mur if i a hero. he is the massachusetts state police sergeant who shot these photos moments before the suspect was captured. then came this cover from "rolling stone." it wasn't one of murphy's photos and it was an image that bothered many, including the sergeant. he leaked the photos that shows the suspect as he thought he should be seen. he's retiring at the age of 48
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after 5 years after 25 years on the force. thank you very much. sergeant, why are you retiring? >> i've had a great 25 years career with the mass state police. i know i'll never be photographing again for the department and it was time to move on. >> to move on because? there's a little bit of confusion about what happened with the process. we use the word charges when we were reporting on it early on. what was the disposition of punishment? >> we came upon an agreed upon disposition. i gave five vacation days back to the force and i was retired with an honorable retirement. >> would you do it again? >> absolutely. >> because? >> the way i see it, chris, there's no way i couldn't do it. >> why? >> well, because what "rolling stone" did was wrong. that image hurt a lot of people who are still hurting.
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i knew that the image i had was the true face of terror. it was the true image of that day. >> now, ordinarily, when you are taking photos on the job, you know it's part of a case file. you wouldn't do this. but the situation was different. >> absolutely. >> i was not in the capacity of a crime scene photographer that day. the images i took were never part of the case. they didn't have a case number. so they were part of a public relations. >> that was the pushback. we have an investigation going here. we have to make sure the case is done the right way. this guy is letting these photos gop this they could be valuable. we have to come down on him. what did you make of that allegation. >> it was ridiculous. they were never part of the case. these photos were released to other places. they were not kept secret, they were not in the file, they were not part of this case. sergeant murphy would not have done anything to jeopardize the case.
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the guy was caught on live tv. this never made any sense whatsoever. i think everybody knew that. >> the corollary to the story, what seemed to happen afterwards seemed to be one-sided as far as where the support was here. what kind of support did you see when it went viral, online? >> the support has been overwhelming. it's truly humbling. a lady, lisa, set up a facebook page which 67,000 people signed on and showed support. it's absolutely just been truly humbling. >> the department didn't back off, though. why? they could have. they've been tight lipped about it, hoped the story would go away. were you surprised they didn't, in the aftermath didn't sort of back off. >> no. as far as the job, i'm not surprised they didn't back off. they had to do something. i have nothing but high respect for the massachusetts state police, the men and women i've worked with for 25 years. >> they put you on the midnight
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shift, right. >> they did. >> what is that message? >> well, i mean, i've worked the midnight shift for years and what they did was put me back in uniform patrol with a cruiser. i was transferred from headquarters to a remote location working the midnight desk. >> how did the other men and women on the job treat you? >> just fine. absolutely no problems. >> how do you think your client should be seen? >> i mean, you know, the word hero is overused. there are people who risk their lives. he risked his life for 25 years for the commonwealth. this is a man who felt the pain of the vicks. that's why he did it. he felt their pain. he photographed funerals, photographed the funeral of the m.i.t. officer. he knew what this was doing to the victims with be that picture. he wanted to help them and he did. >> you wouldn't be retiring but for the situation. i know you say it's an okay accommodation.
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you're all right with it. but for this you'd still be on the job, right? >> i'd still be working. >> do you have regrets? >> absolutely not. >> even though it ended this way. >> no regrets whatsoever. >> what are you going to do next? >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure. >> when you look at those photos, when you remember those moments, what is it that you take with you? >> that was the real deal. it was as real as it gets. >> what do you want people to know about the scene you came upon that day and what the reality of the situation was? >> well, again, that was the reality. the image of that guy in the boat was the trau faue face of terror, not the one that was fluffed and buffed for the cover of "rolling stone" magazine. >> we thank you for doing it. if you're okay with it, i think everybody else is as well. >> i'm great. >> thank you for being here. thank you for not objecting to anything i said. >> sustained. >> good luck to you going forward.
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kate, over to you. >> thanks, chris. coming up next on "new day," red flags after a "60 minutes" report on benghazi, a security contractor tells one story about where he was in libya that deadly night but an incident report tells another. also ahead, mayor bloomberg about to be citizen bloomberg. but he has more plans for retirement than you may think. he talked about it to cnn. he talks about 2016 and much, much more. that story ahead. an important message for americans eligible
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welcome back to "new day." here are some of the stories making news this hour.
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health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius facing some pointed questions from frustrated lawmakers, including democrats over the obama care website rollout. sebelius acknowledging there are hundreds of fixes necessary. so far, enrollment has indeed been low. the head of tech knowledge at the agency that developed is now stepping down. #ipo, twitter set to begin trading on the new york stock exchange this morning. it set a price of $26 a share for its initial public offering with be that twice values twitter at more than $18 billion, despite never turning a profit in seven years of existence. twitter is the most anticipated ipo since facebook's debut last year. why would someone intentionally drive a car that a church, causing thousands and thousands of dollars in damage? that's what police in spokane, washington want to know. a car smashed into life center four square church at 4:00 a.m. tuesday. it landed month are than 50 feet inside. the force so great, a battismal
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pool was shoved into the middle. what a steal, that can't be right. it wasn't. it was a technical glitch from walmart's website. walmart will not honor any of those sales. customers who thought they were getting those drastic discounts will instead get a $10 gift card. reminder to never ever lose hope. a nebraska man is getting back a motorcycle stolen from his omaha yard 46 years ago. donald duval reported the black and blue 1953 tiger 100 stolen back in 1967. u.s. customs and border protection said it was headed to japan when it was recovered last week at the port of los angeles. they find interesting tidbits at the port of los angeles. >> they really do, including a bike. >> can you imagine? you would have long given up hope. even four or five months later. >> even a couple weeks later.
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there's still hope for the bike with the banana seat you had. >> i had one of those. good times. if you've been following the political news recently, you'll know that bill de blasio is new york city's new mayor, a victory he cruised to based mostly on his criticisms of the last guy, michael bloomberg. that's left the fate of many of bloomberg's policies in doubt. one thing is for certain, bloomberg is moving on. something he told jake tapper in a cnn exclusive. >> 12 years ago when i got elected there were a lot of people that said, oh, he could never keep us safe the way giuliani did and in fact rudy brought down crime dramatically and we took that and we brought it down dramatically again, more. and so you never know. i'm optimistic. i'm sure everybody's not going to be happy with every decision that bill de blasio makes and they're not happy with every decision i make. if you think about this, virginia is the home state of the nra.
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that's where their headquarters are. south of the mason dixon line. if i 20 years ago said to you that a democrat who was rated by the nra, unabashedly in favor of common sense background checks, if i told you he could win governor, you would have laughed me out of the room. truth of the matter is this is a phenomenal victory. the people of virginia have spoken and people of virginia will be safer because of this. >> what role do you think you'll be playing in the 2016 elections? i have a tough time imagining you going softly into the good night. >> let me guarantee you two things. number one i will vote and number two i won't be running in terms of something in the middle, it depends who's running and whether i swan want to support them, get involved. i have a lot of things to do. i'm looking forward to starting january 1st i'll take a quick vacation and already i've got more things to do going forward than i can handle. in fact i've got to start
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learning how to say no to new things. >> all right. so what's going to be his legacy? what are his opportunities going forward, at least politically. let's bring in two of the commentators from the right. will cain and from the left, mark lamont hill, also the host of "huff post live." what's the general take? you had two feelings about bloomberg when he was in there, this is a rich guy, another, he's building a rich legacy. is there a next for him in politics. >> i think there's definitely a next. he showed what can happen when you're not beholden to other people's money or special interests. you can do your thing and make progress. i see him leading an independent think tank that is data driven rather than money driven. i think it can work. >> he showed what he can do with all that because he's rich. you're right. i think his political future is pretty bleak, chris. for this reason alone. let's define him. he's a technocrat. what i mean by that, he's data driven, elite expert that knows
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how to micromanage people's lives and works on a local level. it's harder on a national level. he's lost his number one tool. his number one tool was force. the rule of law. that's how you can implement these technocratic solutions. he has to rely on persuasion. gun control ads in virginia and colorado have failed. you have to persuade, you can't force. >> take an issue line gun control. naturally there's a move towards gun control. with his money, data driven policy initiatives he can move the ball forward. >> he failed, mark, he failed in colorado. >> he was mayor of new york at the time. >> that's when he had force. >> not in colorado. he can move forward and do this full force. i think it can work. >> take a step back now. why isn't now a friendlier political environment for someone like michael bloomberg? he was talking about with jake and he talks about often, look at new jersey, virginia, the two people who won, they ran towards the center to win that state. i know we're in a hyperpartisan
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environment in washington but around the country, are we entering a political environment that may want a michael bloomberg who you can't fit necessarily into the "r" or the "d" box? >> that's not the lesson i take from the last couple days, kate. here was michael bloomberg. he's not comfortably an "r" or a "d." that's what the public wants. the last couple days showed us, specifically virginia that the public has a reaction against failed technocracies. >> i've never heard that word before. >> the health care plan of obama care is exactly that. one-fifth of economy, put us in charge, we're smart, we know what we're doing. this is not a good environment for michael bloomberg. >> the point is he's in the middle. people like people in the middle right now. there's the desire to have reasonable conversation that's not hyperpartisan, doesn't rely on ideological purity. that's ha people want. even if he's a technocrat.
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>> you can define his brand. maybe that's the problem. >> he's 71 years old. he is at a point in his life, he has nothing to prove. he's got all the money in the world. what if he decides to wield his influence in a completely different arena, away from politics? i feel like he loves showing influence. what if he decided to do it behind the scenes and maybe did something on a more global -- with a more global reach, some of the philanthropy efforts he's been doing. >> i think he'd love to do that, his ego would love to do that. >> is he big enough for a global reach. >> his money is. money stretches. he wants to be a bill gates. >> he does. he puts themself in that category. >> he can put himself in the bill gates, bill clinton category, do global initiatives. >> he's picking domestic issues, gun control, immigration. >> he's also talked malaria, food issues, et cetera. those could transfer globally. >> it's nonpartisan. everybody is against malaria. >> we are pro-malaria.
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>> the trick is, it's not just the money. it's also got to be the messenger. if you want to become a figure, i always felt one of the things that held bloomberg back, he doesn't have the charisma. will was talking about persuasion. that will be the big question. >> is bill gates charismatic, though? >> he's a money guy. if he wants to get into the political game you've got to have the charisma to get out there. >> more than charisma. >> remember forbes? remember he had the money, the know-how but then he gets up on the stage, not so much. >> bill clinton had this role as well. the global stage is full of charisma. >> bloomberg has change his fundamental tool, changed it from the force of law to one of persuasion. he's not shown yet to be successful in that field. >> senate race or governor's race in the next eight years for bloomberg? chances? >> no. the governor's race would probably be his best bet. i think if he's going to do something it would be an
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executive level position. >> federal government is about redistribution of wealth and national security. local government is about delivering services. he's shown he likes delivering services. >> maybe he becomes a czar of some kind. >> that's what we need. >> that's good. >> i like that. >> stick around, guys. coming up next on "new day," an explosive "60 minutes" report on the benghazi attack. that report now, though, is coming under fire. the story from a security contractor at the heart of the piece is being questioned. we'll take a lack at it. >> fellows, stick around so we can chew on that one as well. how about this question? what could motivate someone to dress like the burning twin towers? how about a boston bombing victim. some of the most tasteless, tacky, downright terrible costumes you could imagine. how should we respond? that's the question we'll discuss at the table. in acidic content.
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welcome back to "new day," everyone. questions this morning about a "60 minutes" report on benghazi. that critics say was chalked full of inconsistencies. issues, claims made by a security contractor who was in benghazi at the time of at tack. chief national security correspondent jim sciutto has more. >> reporter: the question has hounded the administration since the night ambassador christopher stevens and three other americans were killed in benghazi. why didn't u.s. do more to keep them safe?
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a cbs "60 minutes" story reignited the debate, citing repeated security warnings before the attack by a private contractor. but now parts of that story are being called into question. the contractor who used the pseudonym morgan jones for his safety trained local guards there. >> i was saying these guys are no good. you need to get them out of here. >> reporter: ambassador stevens deputy and a top u.s. security official in libya, told cbs they made similar dire warnings about security at the compound. accounts, which together, prompted renewed demands from republicans for access to witnesses. >> how about we hear from the people that were on the ground during the attack. how could i possibly say to the families of the survivors of those that were killed in benghazi, yes, we're going to get to the bottom of this when we haven't had access to the survivors. >> reporter: an incident report obtained by cnn and first reported by "the washington post" revealed inconsistencies in jones' account.
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in his book and to cbs, he said he went to the hospital after the attack where he saw stevens dead body and then returned to the compound, scaling a wall and assaulting one of the militants. the incident report which also revealed his real name, dillon davies, states those things never happened. in a statement to cnn, jones said, quote, the account in my book is consistent is what i gave to the fbi and u.s. authorities about what happened in benghazi. we spoke to jones' co-author damian lewis who told us jones never wavered in his story. >> he's been absolutely consistent in his story from the word go. not only that, he's the kind of guy -- >> reporter: jones said he never saw or signed the incident report but the version of events in it matches lies he told his supervisor to hide the fact he disobeyed the orders not to enter the compound that night. >> one more revelation to tell you about. that cbs had failed to disclose that jones's book is being published by a cbs owned
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company. in an interview with lara logan she admitted it was a mistake not to disclose. cbs is defending its report. cbs news chairman and "60 minutes" producer jeff fager said we are proud of the reporting that went into the story and have confidence that our sources told accurate versions of what happened that night. i want to get your take on it. what does this say about how convoluted the narrative of this tragedy has become? it's difficult to follow at this point. >> it absolutely is. i mean, there's the story of whether or not there was adequate security that night. there's a story of whether or not there was a cover-up and whether or not we can believe the witnesses. again, this would be a compelling witness on the opposition side if he hadn't lied a whole bunch. we just don't know. >> you know, i wish -- this is when i wish i brought a visual aid for us to discuss this topic. what it is, the symbol of this entire story is a question mark. and that's it. question marks are important.
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and honestly if i had the visual aid, what i would do is the controversy surrounding before, during and after this event, all of them, the question marks remain for all of those. did we have adequate security before? did we spend appropriately during the event? why were excuses made afterwards like blaming the youtube video that were clearly false. all of these still demand answers. it's embarrassing that a year later these questions remain, not just unanswered be, but actively evaded. >> you have a tragedy being caught up in politics. >> that's what i'm worried about. >> you just said a moment ago -- >> 25,000 documents. there are certain things i have doubts about but i don't think doing this ad nauseam will get us anywhere else. >> kind of like a hamster wheel. >> when you refer to the incident here, you call in the opposition. this would be helpful to the opposition, not the witness. there are questions, will. clarity in process creates
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confidence in conclusion. no question about it. you learn it day one as an investigator. when you ascribe doubt and negativity to the prospect of what was happening in benghazi, that's where it starts to get to be a distortion. then you start to get pushed back from the other side because they don't like where you're going with the questions. it's not just what happened, you screwed up and you know it. that's not fair. >> i feel like what that becomes is you attack the messenger instead of the message. you invited mark and i. it's been awesome we got to hang out much with you this week. on obama care, i said often, i don't think republicans are best messengers, the best people to be holding the mega phone with the problems on this program. they're self-evident. when it comes to benghazi, you're an a political witch hunt, why is darrell issa the guy? whether or not you like him and whether or not the republicans should ask the questions, the questions need be asked. >> if you don't get the answer you want you keep asking it as if it hasn't been answered.
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>> what do you think about lindsey graham's approach? he says he's going to hold up nominations, even janet yellen, until they get the initer views and the transcripts from the fbi interviews? is that the right approach? >> kate, the debate there is stone wall versus how hard to you push? republicans feel like democrats are stone walling. >> they do. >> interviews in an ongoing potential criminal investigation into the government. >> how does it compromise a criminal investigation? >> that's what republicans said. >> that's the rule. you go to a government entity that's doing an active investigation and say give us your proof. they say no always. you know that. >> they know that. >> they ask the question they're not going to get an answer to. >> if they're not part of the investigation. >> doesn't it seem that politics need to be taken out of this, find out what happened that day and deal with the political ramifications later. >> i don't think it has to be that hard to figure it out. there were people on the ground. there are cameras. there are -- i think where
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republicans have a good footing on this is why are there still so many questions? why isn't there one story? why do people still think there was a youtube video involved? >> absolutely. michaela, the answer to your question, why can't we get politics out of this? is going to be an uncomfortable answer. i think you'll agree with this, mark, in the end, war and all the extensions of war is inherently political. if you take yourself down any path on debating the concept of war you'll find yourself at the door step of politics. >> this became a signature ironically with the clinton scandal that burst this error of these types of stories. >> sure. >> he appointed the first special prosecutor. you can't trust the parties. you have a negative mythology that what happened in benghazi is not supported by fact, it's supported by speculation. >> exactly. >> you have pushback from the administration side that maybe isn't called for in this situation. >> in the end doesn't that highlight the importance of this conversation. >> yes. >> of the role of the media in
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asking these questions? in the end that's who should be in charge of this. >> listen, guys, we'll keep you around for another discussion, coming up after the break, we'll put this question, good taste or bad taste? or is this completely over the line? insensitive costumes like this sparking controversy and causing outrage. even death threat in some cases. join us for a debate that is sure to be colorful, coming up. [ bettina ] my dentist said to me that i had acid erosion.
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he actually told me that a lot of the foods that i thought were really healthy for me can do damage to the enamel on my teeth. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. pronamel will help protect the enamel from future erosion.
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my dentist recommended that i use pronamel.
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welcome back to "new day." there is a fine and sometimes not so fine line between taste and offensive. especially when it comes to
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halloween costumes. we want to show you this. two british college girls wore costumes depicting the twin towers being attacked. and a 20-year-old michigan woman dressed up as a boston marathon bombing victim. what should we make of this? we put it to our panel. here will cane and mark lamont hill. i actually want to produce on the fly and maybe call this segment what the bleep were they thinking? >> you take this one. go ahead. >> you give me this one. >> i think it's stupid. obviously, the strong argument is people have a right to do what they want. we all agree. >> but aren't there societal norms? >> just be a decent person. somebody whose family that was part of the boston bombing is on tv, on the internet, seeing these things -- >> still suffering from the trauma. >> just because you have the right to do it doesn't mean it's right to do it. >> exactly. it's that simple. >> how about the reaction? how about the reaction from everybody else of the costumes? >> the reaction has been incredibly violent. some of the girls in some of
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these instances have received death threats, have been told they are going to be raped, their throats -- the reaction has been seriously frightening. >> you know what's interesting about that is the crowd reaction is important. because -- >> mob mentality. >> i agree. you've got to separate this. people talk about censorship and first amendment. that has nothing to do with these things. that's government. we're talking about society. society should condemn this. if we're all outraged, and i think we all are, this is the way you deal with it. it's social ostracization. you don't need to have death threats and these other things, but people need to make you aware of what you just did is not acceptable. >> what is the line between acceptable and unacceptable? >> don't you think you have a gut smoking? >> i don't think you come with a smoking tower on, but you might have a fine line. >> that's an extreme case. >> making fun of victims. >> making fun of innocent victims, i think, is going to get you there. i think there's certain things like when you deal with pornography, you just know it when you see it. obviously the twin towers,
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obviously the boston bombings because you're making fun of national pain and victims. but that line then gets real blurry real fast for me especially when pc comes in. this is a no-brainer. >> let's talk about political correctness versus just knowing it's not right. >> we talked about this a couple weeks ago where there was a university saying -- >> colorado-boulder. >> exactly. thank you. there was some crazy stuff going on there. they were saying you shouldn't have a costume that could offend anyone. >> they had a list, geishas, indians, cowboys. >> you're from texas. is there something offensive about a cowboy? >> i don't understand this. >> cowboy was a mistake. what is the point of pc? the point of it is to make us more sensitive. and my concern about it as we go forward and i see the rules is we start getting obsessed with what we say and appearances and not the actions that actually matter. not the behaviors that we want. >> but they're the same. >> do you think that there's a difference between this and what
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your gut tells you? we can overthink things, and i think that's where pc comes in. but i think your gut -- >> we need to reset our moral compass. >> a perfect example. >> we need a collective reset of our moral compass. >> someone dressed up as a starving african child. >> is this an after or you saw it? >> no, someone was dressed as it. it wasn't a smoking tower but it was an african kid. people didn't find it to be a problem. to your point, i think what people think connects to what they do. >> do you believe that because this was you dressed up? >> what's interesting, the british girl, her father, an airline pilot who was flying jets in the u.s. at the time those twin towers were attacked. >> and they say it wasn't meant as a joke. they were doing it to make a point. >> zombies. >> we're always going to have this problem. bottom line, you said it's about guns. i know it when i see it.
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the problem is we don't always see it the same way. >> let us know what you think. please tweet us. get in on the conversation. use #newday. hey, guys, really good to have you. mark lamont hill, will cane. are you kicking them out? just like that. wow! use you, abuse you and send you on your way. >> we should just have you there as the great chorus. i take exception. it's a tease! coming up on "new day," the controversy -- oh, now they're going to stay -- it's growing in miami why? teammates are now coming to the defense of a miami dolphins player. you know him as the supposed bully of another player whauz le who's left the team. ritchie incognito. now they say these two may have been best friends. we'll give you the facts. you decide. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink.
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there is no excuse for what has been a miserable five weeks. >> stepping down. the chief information officer behind the obama care website resigns. is he just the first kabcasualt? this as kathleen sebelius admits there may even be security risks on the site. undercover lover. the female cop under investigation for falling for the drug dealer she was sent in to bust and then allegedly ratting out her fellow undercover officers. the latest on that investigation this morning. breaking overnight, a stunning meteor shower over the west coast the same day scientists reveal the risk of meteors hitting earth is greater than originally thought. joining us live this morning.
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>> your "new day" continues right now. what you need to know. >> the only thing i can conclude is that it's impossible to do something in this administration that gets you fired. >> what you just have to see. ♪ obama care by morning ♪ over six people served >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome back. it's thursday, november 7th, 8:00 in the east. new this morning, a break in the ranks over obama care. the website still broken. it is getting worse? we'll tell you the cause for that concern. even democrats on edge loudly complaining about it. concerned obama care will hurt them at the polls. and now we have the first head to roll for the rollout fiasco.
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who is it and why? cnn's brianna keilar is following it all for us from the white house. so what's the answer to the question, brianna? >> reporter: well, chris, it's the chief information officer for the website, really the agency that's in charge of running the website, which has obviously been the most visually troubled part of obama care during this rollout. we also saw really tough questions for hhs secretary kathleen sebelius yesterday on capitol hill. she conceded that the early enrollment numbers are going to be very low. she said there are a couple hundred problems with the website that have been identified that workers are trying to hammer out. and she was also questioned a lot about security, both of the website and of obama care in general. these questions obviously coming from republicans, but democrats as well. they're very concerned. and president obama, before heading to texas yesterday, actually invited 15 senate democrats over to the white house to address their concerns. we know at least one of them urged him to push that deadline
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for signing up for insurance and also pressed him about questions on security. >> let's talk about the security. what was actually the allegation? what came out in the testimony? because that's going to matter to people. that's not just timing and efficiency. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. one of the concerns is about problems in the actual website, that there is, i guess, a deficiency where if you put in your personal information, and obviously health information is very sensitive, that that could be compromised. one of the other, i think, eyebrow-raising points in this hearing was when a republican asked the secretary about the navigators, these so-called navigators who are people that help americans enroll in obama care, asked if it was possible if a convicted felon could be a navigator and gain access to this personal information. she conceded that it was, but she said contractors are in charge of screening and training those navigators trying to assure the folks in the hearing that that's unlikely to happen.
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>> all right. brianna, thanks so much for that. now, chris christie flying high this morning, but he might need to keep an eye over his shoulder after handling winning re-election as new jersey's governor, he is now the most talked-about potential 2016 candidate in the republican field. so why do some members of his own party seem to be taking him on? deborah feyerick has more on that. >> reporter: of all the races in all the states, there was arguably only one that had political pundits pondering the viability of one possible presidential nominee. >> chris christie. >> chris christie. >> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie, a leading 2016 republican contender, despite his repeated denials that he's even in the race. everybody's talking about you running for president. the question is how do you keep that from becoming a major distraction over the next couple of years? >> yeah, i don't get distracted very easily. it takes a lot to distract me. and i think the way it won't be a distraction is i simply won't
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let it. >> reporter: yet coming off his landslide victory in which he won a majority of votes among latinos, republicans, conservatives and tea party voters, the now seasoned governor certainly sounded like a man looking to the future. >> i think every day that you do a job like this one makes you a better executive, whether that would apply to me being a better president or not, i just don't know. sir. >> reporter: christie's broad appeal earned him praise from outgoing new york city mayor michael bloomberg, an independent. >> the lesson for this whole country, whether it was christie or mcauliffe, both of them were centralists. they could work across the aisle. >> reporter: but not everyone is ready to embrace him as the face of the gop. tea party favorite rand paul seemed to take a swipe at him for spending federal dollars on the superstorm sandy ads. >> we're stronger than the storm and open for everyone. >> people running for office put their mug all over these ads while they're in the middle of a political campaign. that's just offensive. >> reporter: as if to get ahead
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of other possible republican competitors like senator marko rubio, christie made sure to emphasize his victory in rubio's crucial voting bloc. >> we won the latino vote last night. now, find another republican in america who's won the latino vote recently. >> reporter: rubio congratulating his fellow republican but making clear new jersey is not the nation. >> we need to understand that some of these races don't apply to future races. every race is different. it has a different set of factors. >> reporter: deborah feyerick, cnn, new york. >> all right. deborah, thank you so much for that. you've got all the other news. twitter set to begin trading on the new york stock exchange. this morning the price $26 a share for its ipo meaning twitter is worth $18 billion despite never turning a profit in its seven years of existence. it is the most anticipated ipo since facebook's debut last year. cnn has been investigating the death of a georgia high school student who was found
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rolled up in a gym mat. new surveillance video leads to only more questions. kendrick johnson is seen in the gym where he later died. another more blurry angle shows the lights out in a gym, but a mysterious person can be seen walking towards the mat where his body was ultimately found. johnson's family believes someone is covering up foul play in the teen's death. the scene of the carnage at fort hood, texas, will be torn do down. a base spokesman says it's slated for the wrecking ball. the fort hood massacre is the worst mass shooting ever at a u.s. military installation. hasan was convicted in august and sentenced to death. the crippled fukushima power plant. reporters were taken inside that complex for the first time and allowed to see some of the damage from the meltdown more than two years ago. plant operators now plan to remove the fuel rods from the
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worst damaged reactor. tune into cnn tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern for the film "pando "pandora's promise," about the controversies around nuclear power right here on cnn. obama care not getting any love at the "country music awards." brad paisley and carrie underwood turned the website's troubles into a bit of a punch line. take a look. ♪ we'll have cataracts and dementia ♪ ♪ oh this is getting on my last nerve ♪ ♪ obama care by morning ♪ over 6 people served >> funny. they also pretended to sign up for the site, saying it made their computer start to smoke. a little fun at the country music awards. and i made myself a bet. will we or won't we mention the "country music awards" because i couldn't stay up late. i did. >> you got a little taste.
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>> i did. a little taste. a check of the weather with karen maginnis. >> good morning to you, everyone. some delays expected because of the frontal system sweeping across the eastern seaboard. already we're adding another city, and that is newark, affected by the low visibility. and what will be a very gusty afternoon. fast-moving weather system not expected to produce much in the way of wet weather. at least in those coastal areas. interior sections, the rainfall is going to be adding up to a little bit more than that. maybe on the order of an inch or so. but as i mentioned, this is fairly fast moving. and behind it, a lot of that cold air filtering in. and that cold air dipping all the way across the southeast. we've seen 20-degree temperatures across the midwest. also, i mentioned not a lot of wet weather associated with this from washington, d.c., to new york to boston. but as you go back towards the adirondacks and into the finger lakes, you might expect some snowfall. eastern great lakes region, snow expected there as well and into
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the upper great lakes. now, when i come back in about 30 minutes, we'll tell you about the super typhoon and what's headed towards the philippines. back to you guys. >> all right, karen, thank you for that. coming up on "new day," a promising breakthrough in the early detection of autism. the key may be right before your eyes. we have the important details for you. plus, bullying or best friend? we're hearing for the first time from some miami dolphins players about the scandal that's engulfed the team and the nfl. a live report just ahead. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart.
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welcome back to "new day." best friends or a bully and his victim? the teammates of dolphins players richie incognito and jonathan martin now say the two were actually very close, even though martin has accused incog naet t incognito of harassing him. now the team's quarterback weighs in. john zarrella is with the team in miami gardens with more. good morning, john. >> reporter: hi, kate, that's right, the nfl announcing that ted wells, a prominent attorney, has been assigned as the special counsel to investigate what went on in miami. and meantime, as you said, the story now gets stranger and stranger by the minute as dolphin players, one after another, saying these guys weren't enemies. they were best friends. dolphins' head coach joe philbin surrounded by more media than
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any 4-4 team usually gets defended his team. >> i have full faith and confidence that we will stick together as a team. >> reporter: but philbin refused to address whether he or any of his coaches instructed richie incognito to toughen up another player, jonathan martin. when asked, did martin need toughening up? >> jonathan martin came in here and worked hard every single day. >> reporter: the storm swirling around the dolphins is getting worse by the day. it began over allegations incognito bullied martin, another lineman, so badly he left the team. now a report that at least one coach told incognito, the anointed leader of the offensive line, to get martin toughened up. while philbin had little to say, his players had plenty. and it was startling. incognito wasn't a bully, they said, but a best friend, like big brother/little brother. >> i think if you would have asked jon martin a week before who his best friend on the team
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was, he would have said richie incognito. the first guy who stand up for him, any kind of tussle, richie was the first guy there. >> if there was a problem, jonathan martin didn't show it, and i've been here long enough to know that off the field, that those two guys were thick as thieves and that they went out together and they hung out together. they did a lot of stuff together. so if he had a problem with the way that guy was treating him, he had a funny way of showing it. >> i know they're good friends, best friends. >> reporter: the players all insisted they had no idea martin was about to leave the team and no idea there was any problem between incognito and martin. >> people that can hurt you the most are the people that are closest to you. and when you mistake one for the other, that's when you find problems. >> reporter: now, espn has been reporting that martin was briefly hospitalized here in miami for emotional distress after all of this went down. but now he is reportedly back in l.a.
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chris? >> what he says to fill in the facts in this situation, very important. we take bullying seriously, but we needed facts here as well. john, thank you for your reporting. now we want to talk to you about a promising new study on autism. scientists say they've detected signs of the condition earlier than ever before. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is at the cnn center. now, elizabeth, let's get to the bare bones here. what are the signs? how early have they been detected? >> in this study, chris, they detected it really early, at just 2 months old. and the way they did it, chris, was absolutely fascinating. so they had these little babies watch a video of an actress kind of playing a mommy figure. and then they tracked how closely the babies watched the actre actress's eyes. now, what you would expect is that over time, a baby would get better and better at doing that as the baby got older. but there was a set of kids within this group that didn't get so much better at it. they weren't getting better at it the same way the other children were, and those children who didn't get better
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at it, they were much more likely to develop autism. so being able to detect this at 2 months versus at, say, 18 months or a year or two years, which is often when autism is diagnosed, that's a big difference. >> all right. now, you know what we're doing right now, elizabeth. parents all across the country are going to start looking at their kids, and kids do lots of weird things. parents are all paranoid. what should you be looking for? should you be looking at all, if you see something that is so obviously this, what should you do? >> i know, chris, i have four of them, so i know that babies do weird things sometimes. first of all, you can't detect these subtle little eye movement differences like they did in the study at the marcus autism center. they used all this technology. a parent couldn't figure it out. but having said that, if you as a parent feel that your baby or toddler is just not responding in ways that you would expect, go talk to your pediatrician. and if your pediatrician says don't worry about it and you're still worried, if it seems unusual for you, it is worth
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pushing it and saying, look, i'm the mom or i'm the dad. something feels not right to me. the earlier autism is diagnosed, the better. >> hey, there's definitely something in mother's intuition, but i think the takeaway here is you are not going to see it the way they see it over time in the study. always go to your being do tore before you panic. zmoo exactly. that's right, chris. >> it is an interesting breakthrough because the spectrum gets broader all the time. the more early detection, the better they can help those kids along. >> exactly. >> appreciate the reporting. next on "new day," a detective accused of botching an undercover investigation. get this. by falling for the man she was trying to bust. now she's found herself in a whole lot of hot water. how bad could it be? we'll tell you. remember the meteor that exploded over russia earlier this year? was that space's idea of a warning shot? we have an expert who says the big one could actually be coming. at farmers, we make you smarter about insurance.
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welcome back. it's time for the "5 things to know for your new day." number one, another grilling on capitol hill today for kathleen sebelius, the hhs secretary says the obama care website still needs hundreds of fixes, and now there may be security risks. it's come a long way in 140 characters. twitter making its public stock debut today. it will start trading on the new york stock exchange. priced at $26 a share for the initial public offering. we're getting our first listen to 911 calls made from inside the garden state plaza
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mall during monday's shooting. shoppers and workers clearly shaken, telling operators they were scared to death and just wanted to leave. number four, the barge mystery of san francisco, portland, maine, solved! they belong to google. the company says they are interactive spaces where people can learn about their technology. and at number five, what a comeback. seven months after that gruesome leg injury, louisville's kevin ware was back on the court last night, and he got a standing ovation, well deserved. promptly hit a three-pointer helping the cardinals to an exhibition win over pikeville. way to go. be sure to go to for the very latest. kate? >> thanks. a shocking story for you now that really reads like a movie script. an arizona cop stands accused of having an affair with a drug dealer and blowing her own cover and putting her colleagues in danger. well, she has now resigned and even could face charges. stephanie elam is live in los angeles with the latest on this.
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my goodness, stephanie. >> reporter: i know, kate. and what's even more bizarre is the police believe that she outed herself on purpose. it sounds like something out of a made-for-tv movie, an undercover detective sleeping with a suspected drug dealer. that's allegedly what former tempe, arizona, police detective jessica did. seen here in a european reality show called "trading places" where she swapped jobs with a swiss officer, her behavior compromised a five-month investigation, police say. >> well, of course, it's shocking. she crossed that blue line. you know, once you become a police officer, you cannot cross that blue line, all right? if you do, you're in jeopardy. >> reporter: jessica began investigating her alleged drug-dealing lover in june. soon after that, the police report claims she began sleeping with the suspect. and eventually the pillow talk turned to confession, police say. she not only told him she was a cop but that he was the subject
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of her investigation and she also allegedly outed some other undercover officers. >> she put other officers' lives in danger as a result of her actions. all right? these police officers, you know, could have been killed. >> reporter: in october, tempe police got an anonymous tip about her intimate relationship with the infamous drug dealer. when approached by police about the investigation into her activities, dever-jakusz who is married was placed on administrative leave. she resigned ending her 14-year tenure with the police department. in an internal memo, the chief confirmed that she voluntarily resigned for personal reasons, writing, additionally, i can confirm that an active criminal investigation related to the crime of hindering prosecution was undertaken based upon evidence discovered. now, the case is in the hands of
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the maricopa county attorney who will decide if any charges will be filed against her. i should also note that we did try to reach her to comment to no avail. >> thank you so much, stephanie, for that. let's take a little break here. when we come back on "new day," the meteor that exploded in russia back in february. and now streaks in the sky all over l.a. is it a cosmic warning sign? good news, we've got somebody who knows the answer. neil degrass tyson will join us on the show. plus, you know the name zuckerberg, of course. well, now the famous sister of facebook's mark zuckerberg is joining us to talk about what it means to be dot complicated. interesting conversation coming up. [ female announcer ] right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast.
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♪ oh written in the stars ♪ a million miles away ♪ a message wow, we remember that huge meteor captured by cameras as it slammed into russia back in february. two new reports say that the meteor disintegrated in the sky with over 30 times the force measured in the nuclear bomb blast that destroyed hiroshima. one scientist said if we don't want to go the way of the dinosaurs, this better serve a wake-up call to us. here to talk all things space. he's also going to talk about a very special show that is happening at the planetarium. can we talk about this? because i'm freaking out! >> you should freak out. >> okay. he told me already --
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>> you should freak out. >> a helmet's not going to help me and nor with all the hair sp spray in my hair. just last night on the west coast, reports of something in the sky -- don't think ufo -- but they're thinking it might have been a meteor as well. >> if you know what it is, then it's an ifo, an identified flying object. >> identified. >> it's that simple. i read those reports from that report. the solar system is a shooting gallery. they're debris trails left over by comets that have earth-crossing orbits. and this debris trail continues to orbit with the comet. and so as earth orbits the sun, fe depending on the time of year, it will plow through and we call those meteor showers. that's why the meteor showers occur at the same time each year. there's about a dozen of those, maybe three or four good ones. so in these first couple of weeks of november, there's some
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notable meteor showers. and you'd expect one of these -- there's the regular ones that just streak, and some are big enough, they can get really blight and explode at the end of the trail. we call those bolides. >> i like that. >> what do you, then, make of as we're talking about that wild meteor that hit in russia, it was huge. >> oh, yeah. >> knocking people off their feet, shattering windows. what do you make, then, of the study that we could be in for more? >> yeah. just just to be clear, it's not the meteor that knocked people off their feet, it was the shock wave. >> can you explain that? >> so back in february of this year, 2013, a meteor maybe the size of this whole studio plowed-- and it's big, but it's too small for us to figure out how to detect it in advance. so by the time this thing collides with earth, it's too late. so it comes plowing through the atmosphere going ten miles per second, which is fast-moving debris. and at that speed, it encounters the atmosphere, and it's as
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though it hits a brick wall if you're going that fast. you ever put your hand outside the window even going just 60 miles an hour? you can't even hold your wrist straight. that's 60 miles an hour. the wind pressure against you. now imagine coming into the atmosphere ten miles per second. at that speed, it explodes, disintegrates. some pieces made it to the ground. most of it vaporized in this huge explosion. now, in an explosion, you see that, and people say i wonder what that was. they saw light coming through the window. they all walked up to the window, then the blast wave hits them. that's why they all got cut by glass. they forgot physics 101 that light travels faster than sound. >> is there anything we can do about this? is there something out there that's coming to kill me? >> you want to know if you're going to die. >> are we going to die? >> is this just how it is? if you really did see a big one coming, what would you do? >> if it's really big, we know where the big ones are, the ones
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that would render its extinct or possibly disrupt civilization as we know it. disrupt transportation grids, communication grids and the like. fortunately, those are large enough to detect, and they're rarer than the ones that fell over russia. >> there's not much we can do about it. >> well, we know how to deflect them. >> do we? >> we know the physics of how to deflect an asteroid. >> you said we couldn't see that one. >> the bigger ones, that one could really make a bad day in the city. >> how do you deflect them? >> big old baseball bat. >> helmets! >> there's the bruce willis way. >> exactly right. >> where you go get some ragtag -- >> no nukes! >> so you can sort of blow it up. here in america, we're really good at blowing stuff up. and we're less good at knowing where the pieces go afterwards. >> one thing, you've got all of the -- >> then the meteor stream that follows. so the since he believe way, the kinder, gentler way is to sort of deflect it out of harm's way. and so if this cup is the meteor
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out there that could harm us, we can send up a spacecraft that also has gravity just like the meteor does. and they want to draw themselves towards each other. but you prevent that from happening by applying little retrorockets. and in the act of doing so tugs the meteor out of harm's way into an orbit that does not intercept the earth. >> that should be a movie. >> like a gravitational tractor beam. >> that's like space diplomacy. you don't want war with the meteor. >> for another day -- >> not today, my friend. >> not today. >> we want to talk about what's happening at the hayden planetarium. it's called dark universe. it's talking about two dark forces of nature. >> we wanted to call it dark force but that was already taken. >> can you give us the layman's explanation? >> these images, these are clips from our space show, just opened this past weekend. and those are super nova going off, stars exploding, ending their lives. and it's sort of a time lapse of what a galaxy would look like under those conditions.
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we use super nova to track the expansion rate of the universe. when we do this, we find that there's a mysterious pressure in the vacuum of the universe, making us accelerate in our expansion. and we call that dark energy. we have no idea what's causing that. and then -- >> i was just going to say, i have no idea what you're talking about. >> and i have no idea what's causing it, so we're together here. there's another thing called dark matter which is most of the gravity in the universe has no known origin. we can account for some of it with stars, planets, galaxies, even black holes. we saw it. how much gravity is that? that's one-sixth of all the gravity we measure in the universe. we don't know where the rest of that's coming from. we call that dark matter. you add both of those up, it's 96% of what is driving this universe. we are dumb, stupid, ignorant about what that is. and this show is, in a way, a celebration of that frontier. it's not a show of here's what we know, walk away proud. it's here's what we still haven't figured out. and we are perplexed. and so we want you to come away scratching your head, wondering about the future of discovery. >> you want to get your mind
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blown? go to the hayden planetarium. it is such a delight to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> please come back. >> and a helmet is not going to help you if an asteroid comes. the bat? no. not even a bat. >> i know what i'm doing. i'm finding neil degrasse tyson. he's going to put himself in the right position. and if i come there and he's just kicking back having a glass of wine and shaking his head, then you know. >> then we're cool, right. >> stick with neil. there's the moral of this story. thanks so much. >> great to see you. thank you. coming up next on "new day," how much online time is too much for your kids? i guess probably everyone has a different answer, but randy zuckerberg is here, and she says sometimes children need to disconnect. don't we all? we're going to talk with her next. and he got the call from the vice president congratulating him for becoming the mayor of boston. only problem, wrong guy. we're going to talk to marty walsh coming up. i hope we got the right one. [ male announcer ] this is jim,
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tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is not for patients with artificial heart valves. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once a day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring -- no known dietary restrictions. for more information and savings options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit she may be silicon valley royalty, but randy zuckerberg, older sister of facebook founder mark zuckerberg, has written two, not one, but two new books dealing with the dangers of too much online time. "dot complicated: untangling our wired lives" and a companion book for the younger set, simply
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"dot." she's joining us now. just reading your bio makes me feel like i have not done much today. >> i like that silicon valley royalty. >> you can take it. you can use it. i wrote it myself. i want to ask you about the books, but also in tech news today, we have twitter that's going to begin -- >> huge tech news. >> huge tech news today. it's going to begin trading. your brother, the company you worked for for many years went through something similar recently. bumps and bruises that go along with it. what are the lessons learned from going to an ipo? >> first of all, it's amazing to see all of these companies that i grew up with, getting to this point. i write a lot in the book about the moment that i recognized that twitter was a real force on the scene and what that meant, working inside facebook. i think, you know, for a lot of these folks and these company, they're building something big for the long term. it's really easy to get caught up in the stock price and the fluctuations from moment to moment and have that affect the morale of what you're working on. so i would just remind everyone
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in silicon valley that they're working on really big things that are much more long term than just day-to-day fluctuations with the stock. >> everyone's going to wonder, does randi zuckerberg think investment in twitter is a good thing today? >> yosh, i need -- gosh, i need to take a look at it. i am excited about twitter and definitely following the progress very closely. >> there's a lot in this book in "dot complicated" that is really news you can use or, you know, really reader friendly. one part i thought was funny that you say you were always asked by people these days, if you knew today now what you -- if you knew then what you know now, would you do anything different? and i loved your answer, which is i would have asked for more stock. >> well, it's funny. hindsight's always 20/20, right? >> right. because you don't know. >> no. >> your brother was working out of a home. >> of course. 99% of start-ups fail. and you know, we -- i had seen so many projects, so many brilliant people at harvard that
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i had worked with. what was to say that this one thing was going to hit? it was, you know, in some ways obviously the brilliance and the great product that the team built. but it was also the matter of being the right time, a receptive audience, some luck. but it was exciting. so yes. knowing what i know now, of course, i definitely would have asked for more. >> i would thinking from my perspective, my little sister, i always question, could my little sister really pull off something like this? there's a little sibling rivalry there, right? >> stealing trucks for me. >> what? more about this book, you talk a lot in the book about the tech life -- tech/life balance you talk about. >> yes. >> it's an admirable goal. is it realist toik pull off? >> it's hard. i'm definitely not advocating a complete disconnect or complete unplug. that's not realistic for most of us who want to stay employed or stay connected to people. but what i am thinking is that people -- we've reached this point where we just -- we feel like we need to be always on,
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always answering e-mails, 24/7 connected. and the pendulum needs to swing back a little bit of us to us reclaiming a bit of our own time so we can be thoughtful and creative and be in the moment of our lives. >> and what was it in your life that motivated you to write this book? >> it was definitely having my son. i think in silicon valley, people are very focused on right now. let's disrupt what's going on right now. let's innovate. let's build. let's do it quickly. having my son, that was the first time that i actually started thinking about the future and started thinking about the things we're building right now, are they definitely making a better world for the future, or are they complicating things for the future? and how do we think about that in terms of society? >> and you mentioned your son. and i wonder, what is your advice, then, to kids or parents with children? because, unfortunately, i feel like every day there's another story about kids bullying kids. >> yep. >> online. some with very tragic endings.
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what is there -- coming from the tech side of it -- >> that's right. >> -- what's your advice to kids or parents? >> so as a mom, it breaks my heart to see that. i think, you know, obviously bullying has been around since the dawn of humankind. >> the beginning. >> of course, the internet can exacerbate that a lot. so i always talk to parents about caution with sites with anonymity because i think when people can hide behind a screen name or an anonymous name, it's easier to just fire off that bullying message, that mean message when you're not accountable for what you're saying. i always would always advise parents to be mindful of their own tech behavior in front of their children because it's really hard to tell your children, put down that device. stop playing video games when you're in your text messages all the time. >> like anything, they learn by example. >> exactly. they learn by your example. and finally, my advice to teenagers would be, you know, it's fun to document every moment of your lives, but occasionally just document it with your eyes and your mind.
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that's the best way to document a moment. >> so at the end of the day after this long journey with these two beiooks, do you think you've reached a tech/life balance? do you think it's possible? >> it's something i'm definitely working on. i'm much better now than i was a year ago when i started on this adventure. i think it's always a work in progress. you always have to be very mindful and conscious of your own behavior when it comes to these devices. >> there's no magic fix to trying to find it. >> that's right. >> "dot complicated," "dot," maybe for more me. it's a great read. i read them yesterday. great to meet you, randi. thank you so much for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> chris? coming up, marty walsh is not the new mayor of boston. well, not this marty walsh. so why did everyone from congressmen to the vice president call him? we're going to speak with him ourselves coming up. i hope we've got the right guy. and we're holding out for a hero, and we didn't have to look far. the good stuff comes home. straight ahead. people don't have to think about
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where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪
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i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce.
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i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. ♪ i need a hero ♪ i'm holding out for a hero all right, everybody. it's time for "the good stuff." in today's edition, our very own bruce duncans. we call our stage manager bruce almighty because he already knows where we need to be on set, but he raised his game last night in brooklyn. here's what happened. he's walking along. he spotted something orange flickering out of the corner of his eye. turns out it was a roof fire across the street, and it was growing. as soon as he sees it, he disregards his own safety, runs into the building and gets the
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people out. he then reverts from first responder to what he really is, which is a tv guy, and shoots the fire. we should mention, bruce didn't tell us about any of this. his friends came to us this morning and said, hey, forget about looking outside for the good stuff. we got it right here. >> my goodness. >> we're dragging him in to get credit because he must get it. >> you walked in and asked, hey, how's it going? i had no idea. >> it was -- i'm walking down the street. something caught my eye. and i look up and i see smoke, a couple of sparks. nobody's barbecuing. what's going on? there was a fire. the flames started licking, the wind picks up. i called 911, started banging on the door. a man comes to the door. he has a tool bag. i said, you have a fire on your roof. he goes, "oh, i can't believe what i did." and he went running up. he knew that he had done something. >> but he didn't know it until you -- >> he didn't know it, no. and a couple couples out, a lady
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with two kids comes out. and the fire trucks came. you guys see the fire trucks came. >> so nobody was hurt? >> nobody was hurt. >> thank goodness. >> yeah. >> and you shot some good video, too. >> yeah, you did. you kept your cool. i'm just saying. i had no idea this happened. this is so terrifying. so do we know how much damage was done? obviously on the rooftop, mostly water damage is going to be a problem and smoke, right? >> yes, of course. >> you got everybody out. smoke gets you because you can't really smell it in these situations, counterintuitively, you did what you needed to do in a situation when many would not have. >> you know, you see the fire. what are you going to do? you have to knock on the door. >> you don't have to, but you did. >> that's our guy. bruce, so proud of you. >> i would argue. bruce almighty, although this shifts the balance of power here on set, it's a constant fight with bruce about who's right about things, and now he's going to win because he saved people's lives. >> finally earned the name. >> bruce almighty. >> yea!
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>> go on. go on. >> nice job. >> no, really, go on. >> do we have to go on to the next? he's the guy when it tells us when it's time to move on to the next story. okay. so we'll go on to the next story. you might have heard about the mistake that was made. vice president biden and a few others made. they called the wrong guy to congratulate him for becoming boston's new mayor. the new mayor is named marty walsh. so is the person we have on the phone, the man the vice president mistakenly called. marty walsh, welcome to "new day." >> good morning. >> good morning to you. i was almost going to say good morning to you, mr. mayor, but i should not, should i? >> no. it's happened before, but it's a great day, and i'm very happy for my friend marty walsh, and boston is very fortunate to have a new mayor. >> for a nanosecond, did you think, i did it? oh, wait. what did i do? >> no, no. you know, when the call came, i
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was anticipating that it might happen, but obviously not to the scale and the people that actually called. it has happened in the last 15 years where there has been some confusion with my friend, marty and myself. nothing like what happened on tuesday night. >> how do you tell the veep he's got the wrong guy? how do you handle that, marty? how long did you let him talk? did you think about just hanging up? what did you do? >> yeah. you know, my wife and i were watching the results. i kind of made a little joke that something like that could happen. and when the 202 number came up, i answered the phone and vice president biden answered, "you son of a gun. you did it, marty." i laughed and i said, "mr. vice president, you know, thank you, but you have the wrong marty walsh. you're looking for mayor marty walsh." and he, showing what a great guy the vice president is, kept laughing. "well, i got a marty walsh in boston." he kept it going and he laughed.
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i told him about senator kennedy. [ inaudible ] >> drat, we're having some cell phone issues there. >> hopefully that was not the conversation with the vice president because cell phone service is so bad. if you're still there, we'll check one more time. that wasn't the only wrong call that you got even that night, right? you got calls from other big-name politicians, too, marty. >> yeah. well, the white house called. the white house operator called and wanted -- and asked if i was marty walsh. i knew who was on the other line. so i told the operator, "you do have marty walsh, but you have the wrong marty walsh that you're looking for." and they confirmed the phone number and i said, "yes, you have the wrong -- it's the right phone number but the wrong marty walsh." so that was one call. and then the mayor of minneapolis called and congresswoman wassermann schultz
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called leaving messages congratulating me. >> there's probably hundreds of marty walshs around the nation. what a coincidence and what a great memory that the vice president called you. marty walsh, thanks for calling us to tell us your story. mr. mayor, thank you for your time. >> hopefully the next call is from the lottery. >> right? >> then go with it, marty. nobody wants to be a politician. everybody wants to win the lottery. >> the other way, you could always owe somebody money. the other marty walsh. right? running from the law. >> one of those pay your bill calls. >> yeah. >> maybe i'll get a dinner reservation out of this easier now. >> very nice. >> you have earned the dinner reservation which now gives me an idea, in new york city it's impossible to get a dinner reservation and i'm going to use the name marty walsh. marty walsh, great to meet you. >> thanks for joining us. >> that's it for us. time for "newsroom" with carol costello. >> i love marty walsh.
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have a great day, guys. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts now. happening now in the "newsroom," ready, set, go! from 140 characters to $14 billion, the bluebird of twitter leaves the nest and goes public. 26 bucks a share. nice if you got the cash. also, mystery deepens. new surveillance video shows georgia ten kendrick johnson walking, then running out of frame. then the video goes blurry, leaving open the question of how the 17-year-old died inside that rolled-up gym mat. plus, standing "o." eight months after a horrific injury at the elite eight, kevin ware is back. six points, four rebounds, three standing ovations. and doh! the vp calls to congratulate
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boston's new mayor except he dialed up the wrong martin walsh. >> congratulations, marty, you dog. you no, great win. and i said, mr. vice president, i'm sorry, you've got the wrong marty walsh. >> oops! and obama care. the country music awards. priceless. ♪ obama care by morning ♪ over six people served >> you're live in the "cnn newsroom." i love carrie underwood. we'll get to that in just a minute. but first, good morning to you. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. new claims this morning that the miami dolphins knew about jonathan martin's struggles before he left the team because of alleged bullying. pro football talk says martin's agent complained to dolphins' gm jeff ireland about how richie


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